There are people who exude calmness and who fill you with pleasant emotions. Even living in a metropolis, they find time to contemplate beauty. Slow down, take a breath, focus on the main thing... This is the secret of balance and equilibrium.

And this is a Zen kitchen for those who seek harmony with themselves and the world. The porcelain stoneware fronts in the aluminum profile resemble frozen magma. A similar decor is also used for the worktop and wall decoration in the working area.

This spacey, almost monochrome interior is diluted with another type of front. Matte acrylic with a deep bevel emphasizes the expressive texture of the stone. The lower hanging cabinets make the set look weightless. This is how two different elements – stone and air – are combined.

Wide sections enhance the impression of unity and harmony. Choose this kitchen for your culinary meditations.